Monday, October 15, 2012

A Political Rant....?

Yes, time is indeed drawing short.

Was thinking all about this this morning as I was making David’s breakfast. We had our group meeting yesterday. Three were out of town, so it was just one other couple, 4 of us in total. We became involved in a brief political discussion. Granted, we are all 4 of the same mind according to our vote, mind you, but it became heated almost immediately. The other gentleman is very PRO Romney – which is okay. I mean, I plan on voting for Romney only because I intend to vote and am not going to vote for any Democrat, nor their representative, due to their current stated platform which is totally anti-GOD in my opinion. (It should go without stating that I did not and would not cast my vote for BO ever....) But as he talked, it was as if he was/is believing that when elected Romney will solve ALL our problems. He will be OUR SAVIOR. Course, you know my thoughts on the subject but just in case you don’t ... Presidents are just pawns. Romney may or may not be better or worse than Obama. OR his actions may be veiled as he accomplishes hidden agendas, moving us closer to the intended New World Order. This quiet, slow spiral downward seems to be more the way of the Republican party, rather than the in-your-face quickly treacherous actions of the Democrats.

The other gentleman became emotional. Asked me (what he meant to be rhetorical) didn’t I think God wants the United States to be salvaged from destruction? Course, I didn’t answer him directly, but rather pointed out the rest of the world and how they have suffered economically in the last 4 years, that O wasn’t running those countries, but that obviously the same that actually run ours also runs the rest of the world. And has. This is really nothing new. David tuned in that we should put our trust in GOD alone, because no man, no human being is going to save us, individually or corporately....that all this world chaos and confusion is further setting the scene for that one man to step forth that has ALL the answers, who will seem to be able to return order and some type of prosperity. But MAGIC comes at a price – yes??

Course, as you know, we don’t believe we will be here to see the AntiChrist assume power. And this man will not step forth to solve the world’s problems until more devastation takes place – including possibly world WAR, Great Depression, famine, etc, of which events we could definitely experience.

In my reflections this morning, I also revisited Daniel 11, specifically the latter part of the chapter dealing with the end times AntiChrist. Verse 37 says that he won’t “honor the God of his fathers...” Went to Strong’s to see how “God” in this case is defined. According to Strongs, this is 430 in the Hebrew meaning eloheim. Following an investigation into the usage and meaning of that word, I can sum it up as when used with a plural verb, it is plural, and especially in Hebrew usage Elohim refers to “The God.” But then, wasn’t Daniel written in another language other than Hebrew? Actually, yes it was. Reportedly, 1:1 – 2:3 was in Hebrew, then switched to Aramaic (Ahhhhhh---the mystery deepens), but then Daniel switched back to Hebrew again in chapter 8 and continued that language through to the end. Following that rabbit trail brought that line of reasoning to a dead end, but relief as well since the labor of locating and delving into possible Aramaic scripts was eliminated.

As I looked at various English translations, I found the following very interesting:

Daniel 11:37

Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
37 He will not show regard for the gods[a] of his fathers, the god longed for by women, or for any other god,(A) because he will magnify himself above all. Footnotes: Daniel 11:37 Or God Cross references: Daniel 11:37 : 1Co 8:5-6
Daniel 11:37
English Standard Version (ESV)
37 He shall pay no attention to the gods of his fathers, or to the one beloved by women. He shall not pay attention to any other god, for(A)he shall magnify himself above all.Cross references: Daniel 11:37 : [See ver. 36 above]; [ch. 7:25; 2 Thess. 2:4]
From this verse (in all translations), we see that “this man” will not follow the religion of his fathers. But even more importantly, what jumped out at me was the following part of the verse; the god longed for by women,(HCSB); to the one beloved by women (ESV) . Does this refer to Christianity or to Judaism? In Judaism, women longed to be the one chosen to bare the LORD’s Messiah? Do they still? In Christianity, women love Jesus. HE set us free. He was the true liberator of women. OK, I admit it, I googled the question. Surprise – got no answer as to what other religion(s) might cause women specifically to love or long for (a different) god or gods. Therefore, I will consider Christianity and/or Judaism as the only possibilities.

With those considerations, it appears that (again) this man will not follow Christianity or Judaism, but that he will have a strong lineage of family worship and involvement in either Christianity or Judaism. Doesn’t mean he will be a homosexual either, as many have interpreted that section of the verse.

Our current president’s “fathers” seemed to be a mix of Muslim, Christian and atheists. He really has not departed from that so-called set of merged beliefs.

The current challenger for president is a Mormon, as were his father and his father’s fathers. Even though the LDS claim to believe that Jesus was the only begotten son of the one true GOD, that He is our Savior, their doctrine and theology are very skewed from that point, making Lucifer and Jesus “spirit brothers” as well as embracing extra-Biblical prophets and scriptures in the form of the Book of Mormon. Angels are very important in Mormonism. It was the Angel Moroni who revealed the golden plates to Joseph Smith from which Smith translated the Book of Mormon. Moroni was one of the ancient Nephites in mortal life and the author of one of the books of the Book of Mormon. The Bible warns of such deviations from the Gospel of Jesus. (Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.) Even though Romney seems to be a follower of the same religion of that as his fathers, and he calls himself Christian, Mormonism is definitely a cult. I see nothing in Mormonism that causes women to especially love or long for their god. If anything, in Mormonism the status of women has been lowered to that of ownership. Women are 2nd class beings. According to Mormonism, an unmarried woman can not enter heaven at all. Only a woman who is a participant of a celestial marriage (a special ceremony performed in a Mormon temple) may enter heaven after death. At that point and for eternity, she will bare spirit children to her husband. This doctrine is a far-cry from what Scripture tells us:
Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. and Matthew 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage.... No matter what our gender, our race, our class, we are equal. However, according to Mormonism, a woman is not Saved through her personal Faith in Jesus Christ, but only through celestial marriage to a man. This doctrine flies in the face of Christian doctrine.  
For the time being, I think that we can rule out both U.S. Presidential candidates as being THE Antichrist in the making.  

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Abba in the Box

Abba in the Box

Was thinking about my newest granddaughter this morning, how she is at that stage of infancy where all things bright and shiney attrack her attention. She is gaining more and more control of her hands, her fingers. Everything she is able to grab hold of must be brought to her mouth, where she tests for taste and texture. Could be the cat's tail as it passes by ... or the finger of one of her family members ... but all toys and items freely given her must receive the taste test. My thoughts evolved to other common toys that have been around for centuries, such as the Jack-in-the Boxes. How those little boxes have delighted kids for ages! One winds the handle, which plays a little tune, and at a moment unknown, Jack pops out to the delight and surprise of all. Sometimes Jack doesn't pop out when he should. I remember trying to force "Jack" to pop out, even to the point of trying to pry open the lid.

 Those who profess belief in God sometimes treat Him like a Jack-In-The Box toy. He is set on a shelf, maybe even hidden away with the rest of our toys somewhere. We busily go about doing "His Work" and on occassion resort to pulling Him out. We wind Him up, by saying whatever incantation we think will invoke Him to appear....and suddenly He pops out! We are delighted, taken by surprise and sometimes awe. Sometimes, we even attempt to pry Him out. Eventually, we put Him away again.

 So many work themselves crazy trying to devise ways to bring others to Him. They spend countless hours devising plans and activities, writing booklets, tracks and praying for a special touch of creativity from Him that will draw others. Does He use these things? Absolutely, when it pleases Him to do so. We see in scripture that the LORD used many, even if they were evil. He used Pharoah....hardened his heart for the purpose of His Glory in redeeming His People. Some have a problem with the concept of the Lord's hardening of Pharoah's heart. They forget that He is the potter and we are the clay (Isaiah 29:16; 64:8; Romans 9:21). While in college, I took an elective class in Ceramics. We began the class by making the clay. Large garbage cans were prepared with heavy-duty black garbage bags. The recipe comprised sterile reddish soil into which was poured bottles of wine and yeast. In addition, discarded projects from the previous semester of dried out, unusable clay were also added. Once all was combined into the garbage bags, it was mixed just enough to moisten the contents. Then the bags were tied and lids fastened to the garbage cans. There the clay would age over the next several weeks in preparation for the following semester's classes. In the meantime, the clay mixture prepared during the previous semester was now ready to be used by our class.

 Each morning, each student got a portion of clay to be used. It was worked, molded, formed with the hands. Some projects dictated that the clay be rolled into strips, some pounded into flat squares but all were kneeded in order to insure there were no air bubbles that could form pockets that would cause weakness in the object resulting in bursting during the firing processes. Toward the end of the semester, we learned to use the wheel in order to achieve individual results desired.

 This experience brought to mind how God made us. He took the "dust of the ground" to form the first man. The name that God gave him was "Adam," which in the Hebrew (Strongs Concordance 119,120,121) means red, rosey, ruddy in color. So God used His Own created, sterile, red dirt. In John 9, we see how God healed a man of his blindness. He spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva; and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay (9:6). Jesus made a patch for this blind man's eyes. Did He form an eyeball ... or maybe a retina ... or maybe a lens?? This man was born blind. He had a congenital birth defect. The Disciples questioned Jesus about why this grown man had been born blind, if it was due to a sin he or his parents had committed and Jesus said it was so that "the works of God should be revealed in him" (v. 3). Jesus healed many others who were blind by simply stating, "You are healed" or "Receive your sight," but in this particular area, Jesus actually did something to give the man his sight.

 God does according to His Purpose that His Plans may be fulfilled to and for His Glory. We, His Creation, do not mold Him. He molds us. We often forget that He is in charge. Jesus said, "No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him" (John 6.44). We busy ourselves seeking to draw people to Him. We offer all kinds of creative, worldly trinkets to get people's attention, constructing grand buildings with plush furnishings and up-to-date sound and visual systems, scheduling time-consuming and sometimes expensive functions....and yet, Jesus nor any of the Prophets or Apostles had to resort to such to draw crowds. It was the Spirit of the Lord that brought people to where they would hear His Word. No advertisements saying "In the desert today"...or "along the river bank on Sunday morning" ... or "Come get your free 2-piece fish dinner." Yet they came in large numbers, great multitudes. And even of those who came and heard, not all believed and were kept (Luke 8).

 These things, these events, these pleasures and worldly attractions aren't wrong, persay but we wear ourselves out with them. We become exhausted and disappointed because we seek to draw the lost by utilizing fleshly pleasures of the world, forgetting that "the world" fulfills fleshly desires much better. IF we were to simply return to our First Love, preaching the Word in season and out of season, then the Spirit would indeed use us by drawing the lost to Himself. We need to take Abba out of the box.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tail of the Pen

This morning, I went to visit my dad. For those of you who don’t know, he’s in an Alzheimer’s Facility. Just that fact in and of itself presents many challenges, many of which are comical when recounted.Today’s was one of those especially complex visits, full of many stories worthy of the tell. However, one in particular falls in the exceptional category.

I was in the process of leaving. Even though his legs, which he kept referring to as eyes, had been experiencing muscular cramping, my dad insisted on walking me out. As we exited the building, my cell phone rang. I stopped to retrieve it from my purse. My father continued having a non-conversation with me. The call was from a possible employer. My father continues to speak rather loudly, but that is okay as I live with a man and am quite used to negotiating a telephone call while he suddenly wants to have a detailed, heart-to-heart conversation of the utmost importance. Notepad and pen fished from my purse, I am scribbling down highlights of what this prospective employer is saying to me, and am trying to answer the questions with soundness of mind. Suddenly, one of the other residents, a woman approaches. She gives me the steely eye. Although I’m not sure of why she’s looking at me in such a way, I know exactly what that means. It’s like seeing a kitty approaching, who suddenly stops in its tracks. The ears flattened and sometimes even the back arches. If it is eyeing you, you definitely need to get out of the way very quickly. At the time, removing myself from the vicinity was not quite possible. My father was still yapping. The person on the telephone with me was continuing to explain about the job requirements, asking pertinent questions. So when I perceived that I was getting the look from this lady, I turned my back to her to hopefully achieve better concentration. Yes, I realize now that act wasn’t exactly what was called for in that situation. She became very loud, which caused me to turn back to face it. It was then that the cat pounced. As I’m still writing, well scribbling would be more truthful, the lady tries to snatch my pen. She is screaming it is her pen, that I have stolen it and continues her best attempts to remove it from my grasp.

As a side note, I have to interject here that certain pens, specifically Pilot G2 pens in either black or blue ink, are highly prized possessions of mine. While I may briefly loan a pen to someone in need, I expect it to be treated with gentleness and returned immediately. There is no way I would ever have allowed this woman, this stranger to have my pen. For years, my father expressed desire for my pen, which I didn’t allow. Anyway, my hang up, I know. But the applicable word is MINE.

At that point, while my father is loudly explaining that I will return the pen when I finish using it, I feel the need to explain to the person on the phone where I am, why I am there, what is occurring, and to ask for a telephone number and appropriate time to return the call. All is well and the call ends. And just as suddenly, almost miraculously, as soon as the call is ended, the phone closed, placed back in my purse, my pen is suddenly forgotten by all. The attacking woman is in retreat crying over the loss of her pen and my dad has fallen silent. All is quiet and the birds begin to sing once again.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Fool On The Semantic Hill

Remember the Fool on the hill? The Beatles sang about him. Ironically, the event that inspired the Lennon-McCartney duo to pen the words to this song was the mysterious appearance and disappearance of a stranger that Paul met briefly on a hill. Even more peculiar was the fact that Paul and a friend had just been discussing the existence of God while overlooking the city of London from that hill. Paul McCartney said that his song was about a man who was considered a fool by others, but whose foolish demeanor is actually an indication of wisdom. Could this be?

Merriam-Webster defines "fool" as this:

1: a person lacking in judgment or prudence 2a: a retainer formerly kept in great households to provide casual entertainment and commonly dressed in motley with cap, bells, and bauble b: one who is victimized or made to appear foolish . Dupe. 3a: a harmlessly deranged person or one lacking in common powers of understanding b: one with a marked propensity or fondness for something fool. fool for candy = (David? LOL!) 4:a cold dessert of pureed fruit mixed with whipped cream or custard.

The Bible defines fool as one "who misuse(s) true wisdom." This definition seems to be a compilation of scriptures. Thought not all inclusive, here are a few from Psalms and Proverbs. (Note: All Biblical references are from the New King James Version unless otherwise specified.)

The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, They have done abominable works, There is none who does good.

A senseless man does not know, Nor does a fool understand this. (to give Thanks to God)

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

"How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, And fools hate knowledge."

For the turning away of the simple will slay them, And the complacency of fools will destroy them;

The wise shall inherit glory, But shame shall be the legacy of fools.

The wise in heart will receive commands, But a prating fool will fall.

Whoever hides hatred has lying lips, And whoever spreads slander is a fool.

To do evil is like sport to a fool, But a man of understanding has wisdom.

The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But he who heeds counsel is wise.

Fools mock at sin, But among the upright there is favor.

A wise man fears and departs from evil, But a fool rages and is self-confident.

A fool despises his father's instruction, But he who receives correction is prudent.

A fool's mouth is his destruction, And his lips are the snare of his soul.

It is honorable for a man to stop striving, Since any fool can start a quarrel.
Do not speak in the hearing of a fool, For he will despise the wisdom of your words.

As a dog returns to his own vomit, So a fool repeats his folly.

He who trusts in his own heart is a fool, But whoever walks wisely will be delivered.

A fool vents all his feelings, But a wise man holds them back.

Jesus, as well, spoke of the fool. In Matthew 5:22, He said: And whoever says to his brother, 'Raca!' shall be in danger of the council. But whoever says, 'You fool!' shall be in danger of hell fire.

That's a pretty severe statement! Raca means empty, i.e. a senseless, empty headed man. It was a term of reproach used among the Jews in the time of Christ. Yet, the terms Raca and Fool apparently mean the same thing. However, Jesus seems to say that fool is the most evil of the two. Herein lies a mystery of semantics.

I must admit that the word "fool" has rarely been a part of my vocabulary for various reasons, like my father having told me as a child that I would go to hell if I called someone a fool. More often, other words with similar meanings are employed such as: oaf, dunce, IDIOT, JERK moron, imbecile, jackass, ASS, dope, turkey, nut…..It is interesting to note that fool appears in Scripture 194 times.

It seems remarkable and a bit mocking that Paul McCartney would ascribe the attributes of the wise to a fool.

Was he? Or was he attempting to convey that this man he had seen, who had given him the impression of appearing foolish, was in actuality very wise?

One really doesn't know for sure…other than McCartney, himself. Maybe this "fool" was merely an apparition that surfaced after a night of LSD…. Or maybe, just maybe, this was an angelic visitor who related confirmation of Paul's thought process.

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
And prudent in their own sight! Isaiah 5:20-21

Bible. New King James Version, Topical Index
Psalm 41:1 Psalm 92:6 Proverbs 1:7 Proverbs 1:22 Proverbs 1:32
Proverbs 3:35 Proverbs 10:8 Proverbs 10:18 Proverbs 10:23 Proverbs 12:15
Proverbs 14:9 Proverbs 14:16 Proverbs 15:5 Proverbs 18:7 Proverbs 20:3
Proverbs 23:9 Proverbs 26:11 Proverbs 28:26 Proverbs 29:11

Photo disclaimer: In our society, clowns are usually thought of as "fools"....and these were the cutest clowns I could find...and they DO NOT apply to the definitions in this article! 8cD!

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Hail of a Tail

On my way home the other day, I took notice of a particular home in our community. Several months ago when I complained to my hubby about the unsightliness, he informed me that the people were in the process of redoing their front yard. I was humbled at the time. So far, the only improvements completed is the single car driveway that was removed and replaced with a concrete pad large enough to accommodate the owners’ 2 pickup trucks and car. The remainder of the front yard consists of white sugar sand and clumps of tall grass. I thought to myself, “Wow! Looks like hell!” Then caught myself. Looks like hell? Really? What exactly does hell look like? Seems that scripture speaks of hell being a place without God. It is "utter darkness where the fire is not quenched." A place of eternal damnation originally designed for satan and his demons. Satan won’t be the boss there, he will be the main inmate. There won’t be parties or rock concerts or orgies. Just suffering. Forever and forever and forever with no release, no parole. No, I guess the neighbor's yard does NOT look like hell at all.

How often do we find ourselves making the observation that someone or something looks like hell? .... or sounds like hell? ... or maybe even smells like hell? In reality, Hell is not a simile, it is a misnomer. It is not an adjective or an adverb, but a noun. We know that such use of the word is incorrect in its interpretation and yet, we use the term anyway. We employ it to describe someone or something as having the worst attributes that can be had.... or the very best. But do they really? Most of the times, no.

There’s fast as a bat outa hell; she was hell on wheels; he scared the hell out of me; it was a hell of a time; a hell of a deal; what the hell do you want?; or how `bout this one? What the Sam Hell are you looking at? (Later hell was bowdlerised to “hill.”)

With all the euphemism and expletive usages (after all it is a 4-letter word), hell has found its way into names, such as; the infamous motorcycle gang, Hell’s Angels, Hellboy the comic book character later to become a movie hero, and the FOX TV series, Hell’s Kitchen, just to name a few.

So what is this world’s fascination with Hell? You decide.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Political Rant & Observation Tail

Today is Florida’s Primary. Only registered Republicans are voting.

As I approached my designated polling precinct, I wondered if it had been relocated. Did I miss the notice that the Covered Bridge Clubhouse is no longer a voting precinct? Usually there are red, white & blue signs screaming VOTE TODAY stationed all the way from the entrance to the community to the clubhouse. Yet, today, not one sign. My eyes strained for a sign. I made my left hand turn into the clubhouse parking lot and saw one little sign near the front door. Hummmm.....maybe someone has complained about the signs?

Parking, of course, was not a problem.

I was surprised yet again that there was NOT a raucous crowd adorning the driveway and walk to the glass entrance doors. Usually, there are all sorts of folks, being loud, carrying signs, passing out cards, urging one verbally and in writing to vote for the candidate of THEIR choice. I have often wondered exactly where the 100-foot radius begins where campaigning must halt? Today, maybe due to the lack of bodies present, I see a very noticeable, distinct blue line drawn across the driveway stating that Florida Law prohibits campaigning past that point. Seems more like maybe 25 feet to me, but what do I know? At least there aren’t any hecklers present.

As I enter the doors, this cute, little, old man in some kind of a uniform inquires if he can help me. Again, I wonder if I’m in the right place. I say “I’m here to vote.” He asks me if I am a resident of Covered Bridge to which I reply “No, Palm Beach National”....but again I am wondering if my polling place has changed. He steps up quickly and points to the far side of the room, “That is your side.”
“Okay. I knew that.”

There are 3 bodies seated at tables with homemade signs splitting the alphabet into thirds. I say “Hi” to a young woman who looks like a twenty-teenager. However, the man in the middle beckons me to him. I say “Hi.” As I have already pulled my Voter’s Registration from my wallet for his inspection, he says he needs my driver’s license instead. Really? I wonder....why do they even issue voter’s registrations anymore since they just want to see the picture ID. Was also wondering if a Costco membership card would work.

I say, “Guess you can tell that only Republicans are voting today since all is so very quiet.”
The elder lady on the end, a Democrat most likely, responds “Many people voted early.”
“Yes,” I reply. “But with so many dropping out, it is very easy to cast a vote for a non-runner if one votes early.”
She scowls at me.
I knew it...she is definitely a Democrat.

I take my card – is that what they’re called? It’s definitely made out of card stock but is huge with only half of it able to be stuffed into a white folder with some red and blue patriotic fodder, no doubt – I don’t read it. Am looking for a booth. Wow! The “booths” are just stand-alones with a pen on a string attached. All the millions spent on the computers with touch screens and we are back to coloring in our choice with pen on a string? Where have I been? I’m sure I vote every time there is something or someone worthy of my time ....

The choices – wow! There are 9 of them!! Now I know that Michelle Bachmann dropped out, as well as Rick Perry and Herman Cain. Who is this Huntsman fellow and why are the dropouts STILL on the ballot? Only 4 are viable candidates, so why all the confusion? I smell conspiracy to divide and conquer.

I carefully color in the invisible line completing the arrow indicating my choice, then chuckle as I take my ballot to the “box.” It’s a scanner. I ask the box attendant if the ballot goes in upside down or right side up. He says, “It doesn’t matter.” I’m not alarmed. Now I recall I asked the exact same question last time and received the exact same answer. I still smell a conspiracy......

Friday, January 13, 2012

Tail of the Job Interview

Had a job interview scheduled for this morning for 11am. With whom will remain anonymous to protect the innocent....

Started prepping for it yesterday. Did nails, cuz they were too long which interfered with my typing and the polish was chipped. Boned up on my typing by taking endless tests on-line, just in case a typing test would be required. Not having the slightest idea what bookkeeping program they employ, IF it isn’t custom designed for the corporation, I reviewed Lotus, Excel and the Open Office Spreadsheet program. Was really hoping they would just use Quick Books Pro since I have about 17 years of experience.

Awoke around 5am this morning to consider those dumb questions that interviewers always ask. You know the kind ....
What would you like to be when you grow up? Huh? Am I in 9th grade? My goal in life then was to be “a married mommy.” Guess I pretty much achieved that one! Does that even count????

Name a few of your life’s goals and explain where you see yourself in 20 years. Twenty years? Really? Am kinda hoping for the Rapture.....oh! you don’t believe in the Rapture? OK – hopefully, I will still be of sound mind & body and collecting a big fat social security check (Don’t laugh – that’s rude) and a pension from the State of Florida, which will pale in comparison to the one I will be collecting from your company..... (big toothy grin called for here).

Describe a particular crisis you encountered on-the-job and explain how you brought it to a positive conclusion. Include concerns and issues and what you may have learned from this experience. HUH??? OK, how about the time a parent marched into my office at Forest Hill High School asking if I was the long-haired, fat bitch she had just talked to on the phone. When I admitted that “yes, that was probably me, although long-haired, I didn’t believe it was right to call me fat,” she announced she was going to “kick my ass” because the dean had not returned her call. I stood as talk as I could and replied meekly, “If you feel froggy, then jump,” all the while I was calling for security on the walkie-talkie. Security arrived. Gorilla John immediately grabbed the foul mouthed offender, threw her against the wall and hand cuffed her. I sat out the rest of the event in the main office. I think that had a real good outcome. And I also had my hair trimmed the next day so as not to offend as well as noting never, ever to admit that I spoke to anyone on any phone.

Not what you’re looking for? OK, how about the time, fresh from being certified in non-violent crisis intervention, when I grabbed a male student in a bear hug to prevent him from “killing some mother?” (I think he said mother). Finding myself, nose to nose with this mature student, seeing the fire in his Latin eyes and smelling stale tacos on his breath, my chest pressed hard into his, I blushed and managed to utter, “Enjoy this hug! It will never happen again!” During what seemed to be an embarrassing ordeal for me, I asked stupid questions like “What do you want to be when you grow up, Amigo?” He was cool with it, letting me restrain him long enough to steer him back to my office. As soon as I turned my back, he escaped. I learned that I needed restraints if I was expected to hold someone prisoner.

After the interviewer’s possible questions were reviewed, I started getting dressed about 9:30. Tried on several outfits, finally found one that I deemed suitable, professional -- a traditional suit. Got my makeup done and was happy with it. Headed out the door, giving myself plenty of time to arrive timely so as not to be late. Got there with 15 minutes to spare. Announced myself and waited. One young lady approached, asking if she could help me. I told her I had an 11am interview with Keisha but that I was early.... She returned in a few minutes to ask my name. Then a few minutes after that, returned to tell me that Keisha would be out in a few minutes. I saw down, picked up a magazine. Don’t think I had finished perusing the cover when I heard the double doors open again. A white girl appeared, said her name was Kelly. She informed me that it was she who had scheduled the interview appointment, but that Corporate had just informed them that there was a hiring freeze until February sometime. I smiled. I thanked her for her time. Told her, "things happen"..... She said that as soon as the hiring freeze is lifted, she will again be contacting all of the applicants to set up interviews. I thanked her again.

Wow! Am I a dummy or what? I thanked her for her time, and smiled, and shook her hand. I even attempted to comfort her with my “things happen” comment. Why hadn’t she called me to cancel our appointment? Was I there when Corporate made the emergency call? Or when someone looked at the email? What took them so long to tell me. Were they fighting over who would have to go tell the woman that the interview was cancelled? Apparently Keisha lucked out! Not only my time, but my gas to get there????

OK not a problem. Actually, I am Blessed! Blessed beyond measure. For one thing, I didn’t have to struggle through attempting to give a suitable, interesting, creative and honest answer to one of those stupid questions. I didn’t have to leave feeling good, or feeling bad ... wondering if I would get a second interview, or if I would be hired. I didn’t have to struggle with, “am I really only worth minimum wage? With 27 years experience?... and a Bachelor’s degree? No, I didn’t. PLUS, my hubby has a job for which we are so very grateful! And the LORD is good. After all, all things work together for good to those who love God, who are called according to His Plan and His Purpose.