Monday, October 15, 2012

A Political Rant....?

Yes, time is indeed drawing short.

Was thinking all about this this morning as I was making David’s breakfast. We had our group meeting yesterday. Three were out of town, so it was just one other couple, 4 of us in total. We became involved in a brief political discussion. Granted, we are all 4 of the same mind according to our vote, mind you, but it became heated almost immediately. The other gentleman is very PRO Romney – which is okay. I mean, I plan on voting for Romney only because I intend to vote and am not going to vote for any Democrat, nor their representative, due to their current stated platform which is totally anti-GOD in my opinion. (It should go without stating that I did not and would not cast my vote for BO ever....) But as he talked, it was as if he was/is believing that when elected Romney will solve ALL our problems. He will be OUR SAVIOR. Course, you know my thoughts on the subject but just in case you don’t ... Presidents are just pawns. Romney may or may not be better or worse than Obama. OR his actions may be veiled as he accomplishes hidden agendas, moving us closer to the intended New World Order. This quiet, slow spiral downward seems to be more the way of the Republican party, rather than the in-your-face quickly treacherous actions of the Democrats.

The other gentleman became emotional. Asked me (what he meant to be rhetorical) didn’t I think God wants the United States to be salvaged from destruction? Course, I didn’t answer him directly, but rather pointed out the rest of the world and how they have suffered economically in the last 4 years, that O wasn’t running those countries, but that obviously the same that actually run ours also runs the rest of the world. And has. This is really nothing new. David tuned in that we should put our trust in GOD alone, because no man, no human being is going to save us, individually or corporately....that all this world chaos and confusion is further setting the scene for that one man to step forth that has ALL the answers, who will seem to be able to return order and some type of prosperity. But MAGIC comes at a price – yes??

Course, as you know, we don’t believe we will be here to see the AntiChrist assume power. And this man will not step forth to solve the world’s problems until more devastation takes place – including possibly world WAR, Great Depression, famine, etc, of which events we could definitely experience.

In my reflections this morning, I also revisited Daniel 11, specifically the latter part of the chapter dealing with the end times AntiChrist. Verse 37 says that he won’t “honor the God of his fathers...” Went to Strong’s to see how “God” in this case is defined. According to Strongs, this is 430 in the Hebrew meaning eloheim. Following an investigation into the usage and meaning of that word, I can sum it up as when used with a plural verb, it is plural, and especially in Hebrew usage Elohim refers to “The God.” But then, wasn’t Daniel written in another language other than Hebrew? Actually, yes it was. Reportedly, 1:1 – 2:3 was in Hebrew, then switched to Aramaic (Ahhhhhh---the mystery deepens), but then Daniel switched back to Hebrew again in chapter 8 and continued that language through to the end. Following that rabbit trail brought that line of reasoning to a dead end, but relief as well since the labor of locating and delving into possible Aramaic scripts was eliminated.

As I looked at various English translations, I found the following very interesting:

Daniel 11:37

Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
37 He will not show regard for the gods[a] of his fathers, the god longed for by women, or for any other god,(A) because he will magnify himself above all. Footnotes: Daniel 11:37 Or God Cross references: Daniel 11:37 : 1Co 8:5-6
Daniel 11:37
English Standard Version (ESV)
37 He shall pay no attention to the gods of his fathers, or to the one beloved by women. He shall not pay attention to any other god, for(A)he shall magnify himself above all.Cross references: Daniel 11:37 : [See ver. 36 above]; [ch. 7:25; 2 Thess. 2:4]
From this verse (in all translations), we see that “this man” will not follow the religion of his fathers. But even more importantly, what jumped out at me was the following part of the verse; the god longed for by women,(HCSB); to the one beloved by women (ESV) . Does this refer to Christianity or to Judaism? In Judaism, women longed to be the one chosen to bare the LORD’s Messiah? Do they still? In Christianity, women love Jesus. HE set us free. He was the true liberator of women. OK, I admit it, I googled the question. Surprise – got no answer as to what other religion(s) might cause women specifically to love or long for (a different) god or gods. Therefore, I will consider Christianity and/or Judaism as the only possibilities.

With those considerations, it appears that (again) this man will not follow Christianity or Judaism, but that he will have a strong lineage of family worship and involvement in either Christianity or Judaism. Doesn’t mean he will be a homosexual either, as many have interpreted that section of the verse.

Our current president’s “fathers” seemed to be a mix of Muslim, Christian and atheists. He really has not departed from that so-called set of merged beliefs.

The current challenger for president is a Mormon, as were his father and his father’s fathers. Even though the LDS claim to believe that Jesus was the only begotten son of the one true GOD, that He is our Savior, their doctrine and theology are very skewed from that point, making Lucifer and Jesus “spirit brothers” as well as embracing extra-Biblical prophets and scriptures in the form of the Book of Mormon. Angels are very important in Mormonism. It was the Angel Moroni who revealed the golden plates to Joseph Smith from which Smith translated the Book of Mormon. Moroni was one of the ancient Nephites in mortal life and the author of one of the books of the Book of Mormon. The Bible warns of such deviations from the Gospel of Jesus. (Galatians 1:8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.) Even though Romney seems to be a follower of the same religion of that as his fathers, and he calls himself Christian, Mormonism is definitely a cult. I see nothing in Mormonism that causes women to especially love or long for their god. If anything, in Mormonism the status of women has been lowered to that of ownership. Women are 2nd class beings. According to Mormonism, an unmarried woman can not enter heaven at all. Only a woman who is a participant of a celestial marriage (a special ceremony performed in a Mormon temple) may enter heaven after death. At that point and for eternity, she will bare spirit children to her husband. This doctrine is a far-cry from what Scripture tells us:
Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. and Matthew 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage.... No matter what our gender, our race, our class, we are equal. However, according to Mormonism, a woman is not Saved through her personal Faith in Jesus Christ, but only through celestial marriage to a man. This doctrine flies in the face of Christian doctrine.  
For the time being, I think that we can rule out both U.S. Presidential candidates as being THE Antichrist in the making.